• In chapter two, Player One explains the thoughts and feelings of the characters after the death of Warren. They are traumatized and each one wonders about his/her own life and remembers about his/her past. Rachel remembers her teacher told her that every moment of life is a coincidence, it is the mere chance. But the opposite of coincidence is entropy. It measures the disorder of a system. For example, an event can be the cause of another event – it is the notion of cause and effect. Or sometimes, the brain creates many sequences of a traumatizing event as if it wanted to make sure it happened for real. It is the case of Karen because Player One says «  Karen's brain will make a duplicate of the afternoon's events ». Finally, for Rachel or Luke, it is a little bit different, they saw the events in slow motion as if the time has stopped.

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  •          In Chapter three, the scene seems to be a war with the explosions outside like bomb attacks and the characters who hide from the sniper. They start to have a survivalist mindset. In chapter three, Karen is picking some food thinking that « Legumes, grains, seeds, and pods – ideal for life during wartime ». And, to save his life, Rick is ready to attack the sniper. He is searching something to kill him. The narrator says « He's busy scanning the back area, looking for something, anything, he could use to kill a human being ». The human being can do anything to save his/her own life.

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  •              In chapter three, there is a succession of questions from Karen's daughter. It emphasizes the stress of the characters and the readers because the girl does not understand what is going on but her mother does not want to answer her. It is really stressful. Moreover, in Rick's part, the narrator repeats several times the words ''thinks'' and ''wants'' as if Rick's ideas were coming like a list of his last thoughts and wishes before dying. Besides, the sniper itself is afraid of dying, he believes it is the end of the world and repeats the word ''imagine'' wanted a better world.

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